dissertation to book

Do you want to turn your dissertation into a book but don’t know where to begin? Or perhaps you already have a book contract but now need to write a book (curses!). Or you might like someone on your side to help you tackle your dissertation or another large writing project.

As your academic writing mentor, I am your cheerleader, external accountability provider, first reader, and overwhelm banisher.

We have regular email and phone (or Zoom) check-ins, set gentle deadlines, and I read your words and offer feedback on how everything is coming together. We talk through any challenges you come up against, and we make a plan for getting your dissertation/proposal/book/magnum opus done and dusted (but in a way that doesn’t leave you feeling completely burnt out at the end of it). And we figure out what tools you need in your writing toolbox to help the words come.

We might even be able to make writing feel flowy again.

This is a one-on-one, tell-me-what’s-going-on-with-your-book, how-can-we-fix-that-wonky-bit-of-Chapter-Four, what-are-you-thinking-of-doing-once-your-book-is-finished, love-that-for-you kind of thing.

My mentorship provides the motivation, accountability, and support to finally transform your dissertation into a book you’re proud to share with the world. (It’s your name! On the front cover of a book! How cool is that?!)

Have a look at the welcome pack here, drop me a message, and we’ll set up a time to chat.

Watercolour impage of a blue rotary telephone.